The training tools currently available to ultrasonographers to apply the INTERGROWTH-21st Pregnancy Dating Standards and Fetal Growth Standards are:

  • The Ultrasound Operations Manual. The aim of this manual is to ensure trained ultrasonographers are familiar with the standardized way measurements should be taken for the purposes of using the INTERGROWTH-21st fetal growth standards, including standardization of the way the equipment should be used, ultrasound findings are recorded, data is entered and transferred, and how to train, assess and certify these standardized techniques.
  • Correct measurement of Crown Rump Length (CRL) for ultrasonographers. The aim of this manual is to ensure all trained ultrasonographers are familiar with the standardized way crown-rump length measurements should be taken for the purposes of using the INTERGROWTH-21st fetal growth standards.

COMING SOON! A software update for ultrasound machines and fetal growth charts will be available shortly.