Taking Measure of Growth Charts The Wall Street Journal
Health of Mom Key Factor in Baby Size, Study Says Time Magazine
The Size of a Healthy Baby The Atlantic
Tests reveal how our babies measure up The Oxford Times
A universal measuring stick Pesquisa FAPESP
Healthy mothers 'key to baby size' The Australian (Australia)
Oxford University develops first global norms for baby growth The Hindustan Times (India)
Poor Fetal and Infant Growth is Not Inevitable in Poor Countries Healthy Newborn Network
Healthy mothers 'key to baby size', say researchers Nursing Times
Rwanda: New Study Attributes Size of Newborns to Mother's Health AllAfrica
SickKids contributes to first International Standards to assess fetal growth and newborn size worldwide SickKids (Canada)
Growth, size of babies worldwide remarkably similar Harvard School of Public Health (USA)
Healthy moms have this in common iAfrica
First international growth standards for the developing baby could help combat stunting and obesity News Hour (Bangladesh)
Healthy Moms Worldwide Have Babies of the Same Size, Study Finds Huffington Post (Canada)
Nova curva de crescimento avalia bebês ainda no útero Pesquisa (Brazil)
Babies born to healthy moms similar in size worldwide The Financial Express (India)
New fetal growth standards 6 Minutes (Australia)
Estudio identifica los factores que determinan el tamaño de las guaguas al nacer Tendencias (Chile)
Babies born to healthy moms similar in size worldwide Business Standard (India)
Studie: Babys gesunder Mütter sind weltweit gleich groß Spiegel Online (Germany)
Healthy moms give birth to 'similar size babies' worldwide Deccan Chronicle
Health and wealth determine baby size, not race and ethnicity, study finds New York Daily News (USA)
Why are babies the same size around the world? Maternal health is key Global News (Canada)
Study says healthy mothers across race, ethnicity give birth to 'similar size babies' worldwide DNA (India)
Healthy mums produce bigger babies Oxford Mail (UK)
The Lancet publica novas tabelas de crescimento para fetos e recém-nascidos, o INTERGROWTH-21st Project News.med.br (Brazil)
Baby's Size Depends on Mother's State of Physical Health International Business Times
Mom's health, education impacts baby's size more than ethnicity: Study Toronto Sun (Canada)
Around the Globe, Mom's Health Key to Newborn's Size HealthDay (USA)
Nutrition and health 'have greater influence on newborn's size than race' Medical News Today (UK)
Size of Newborns Similar in Healthy Pregnancies Around the World Science World Report (USA)
New standards for developing baby to fight stunting, obesity The New Indian Express (India)
Crescita del neonato: addio ai percentili, in arrivo nuove tabelle Nostro Figlio (Italy)
Mother's Health During Pregnancy, Nutrition Impacts Newborn baby size Wall Street OTC (USA)
What do healthy moms have in common the world over? Babies of the same size, study says Sowetan Live (South Africa)
Children Born to Healthy Mothers are Similar in Size at Birth, Study University Herald (USA)
Babies born to healthy mums worldwide are strikingly similar in size (e) Science News
Wie das weltweite Standardbaby aussieht Orf.at (Austria)
Newborn's Size Depends More on the Mother's Health than Race, Research Shows Yotta Fire (UK)
Babies born to healthy mums are strikingly similar in size worldwide Health Canal
Nyfödda har liknande längd Sverige Radio (Sweden)
Babies Born to Healthy Moms are Universally Similar in Size Laboratory Equipment
Τα υγιή νεογέννητα σε όλο τον κόσμο έχουν ίδιο μέγεθος ασχέτως φυλής ή εθνικότητας Ikypros (Greece)
Babys sind überall gleich groß Science.orf.at (Austria)
У здоровых образованных матерей рождаются дети идеального размера Eizvestia (Ukraine)
SANTÉ néonatale: La taille du bébé en dit long sur la santé de la mère Actu Santé (France)
Διατροφή και υγεία των μητέρων υπεύθυνες για το μέγεθος του μωρού Iatronet (Greece)
Babies of the same size Astro Awani (Malaysia)
Helping assess and monitor growth from womb to cradle Canadian Network for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (Canada)
Healthy babies born the same size across the globe, research shows Breaking News (Ireland)
Healthy Moms Across the Globe Give Birth to Similar Sized Babies HNGN
Mom's health, education impact baby's size more than ethnicity: Study Saultstar (Canada)
Babies born to healthy mothers are similar in size worldwide Red Orbit
Healthy moms around the world give birth to 'similar' sized babies: study CTV News (Canada)
Mother's health influences baby's size the most The Free Press Journal (India)
Babies born to healthy mother similar size worldwide The Conversation (Australia)
Health of mother key to baby's size Irish Health (Ireland)
Medical News Today: Nutrition and health 'have greater influence on newborn's size than race' Bayou Buzz (USA)
Mom's health, education impacts baby's size more than ethnicity: Study Canoe (Canada)
Health and nutrition of mom not race determine size of baby ModVive (USA)
Healthy mothers are 'key to baby size' The Herald (Ireland)
Baby size is strikingly similar across globe The Herald (Scotland)
What do healthy moms have in common? CTV (Canada)
Mother's health influences baby size the most Business Standard (India)
Babies Born to Healthy Mothers are Similar in Size: Oxford Study Nature World News
Babies born to healthy mums are strikingly similar in size worldwide University of Oxford (UK)
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